Lucas is not only a speed demon on a bike, but a highly intelligent and motivated 26 year old. He detailed a well mapped out plan of attack on how to improve road safety near his US home in Napa Valley, California.
In what seems like an ironic twist of fate, the man who ignited Lucas’ passion for cycling via a mountain bike team, is the same man working side-by-side with Lucas to help improve road safety in Napa. Under-Sheriff John Roberston started Team NSO (Napa Sheriff’s Office) a junior mountain bike team, a division of S.A.L. The program was designed to “keep kids off the streets and get them active” as Lucas said. Lucas was hooked on cycling and transitioned from mountain biking to road and became a professional.
After Lucas’ cycling accident in Spain (See previous Blog Post), Lucas returned home to Napa to continue training. There he met with John Robertson and told him of his new passion: Road Safety. As the under-Sheriff, John Robertson was happy to team up with Lucas again to make a difference in road safety.
Lucas plans to start a Yield to Life chapter in Napa (Cycling and Road Safety for Cyclists created by teammate Dave Zabriskie). Additionally, with the help of the California Highway Patrol and John Robertson, they will design a program to teach new drivers the rules of cycling in addition to the rules of the road. “Whether they ride a bike or not, they will know the rules.” Too many auto/cyclist accidents happen because the driver isn’t aware of rules of the road for cyclists, or they are too distracted when they come upon a cyclist and don’t “see” them. Lucas said in most cases drivers “Don’t treat us as a motorist. We aren’t a vehicle and we don’t get the same respect.” Lucas & John Robertson’s program will teach young drivers a level of respect and understanding for cyclists that few people on the road have currently.
While a cell phone wasn’t an apparent factor in the accident that severely injured Lucas, he understands the dangers of cell phone use behind the wheel. He sees distracted motorists on a daily basis and says “The more you text and drive, your chances go up that something is going to happen.” Lucas has been a big supporter for @DontTwive, and knows his tweets can help bring awareness and ultimately save lives if people put their cell phones down and focus on driving.
Lucas Euser and John Robertson team up again! If their work with road safety nets the same results as their first partnership, then Napa will have some of the safest roads in the country for cyclists.
Lucas promised to keep us informed as they roll out the program in Napa. We’ll continue to follow Lucas’ career success as well as his success with Road Safety! Thank you Lucas for making a difference!
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